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Missouri COVID-19 Update 

External Links


- Aggregate news search for Missouri COVID-19, which sorts articles by date and filters out stories about Missouri City, Texas


Case, fatality, and general COVID-19 data for Missouri

- Missouri's "Show Me Strong" dashboard, provided by the Office of the Missouri Governor


- White House COVID-19 Task Force dataset, including hospitalizations, outbreaks, week-to-week comparisons, and more (typically updated once weekly)


- LPHA ordinance tracker for Missouri, helps to identify jurisdictions who have implemented face covering and business restrictions


Testing and vaccination resources for Missouri

- Missouri vaccine hub, including a breakdown of eligibility tiers and mass vaccination event sign-up form

- Eligibility order from the DHSS Director --- this is a more elaborate breakdown of tiers.

- Testing locations in Missouri (is not all-encompassing, I would defer to asking around locally for additional sites)

Data on Missouri schools

- Current patterns of instruction in school districts across Missouri, and historical data

Congregate Living Facilities

- Case outbreaks and fatalities due to COVID-19 in Missouri

- List of cumulative COVID-19 cases by Missouri nursing home facility

- Interim guidance on COVID-19 practices for long-term care facilities 

- Independent Investigation for the Veteran's Commission on care provided to veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic, as of November 2020

Department of Corrections

- Department of Corrections COVID-19 data (note: this data is notorious for being grossly inaccurate)

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